The Recipient Copy Deadline for ACA 1095 Forms is March 03, 2025. E-File Now

California ACA Form 1095-B/C Reporting Requirements for 2024

The State of California Mandates 1095-B/C Filing! Simplify your filing with TaxBandits.

Lowest Pricing in the Industry - E-file at just $1.50/form

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Simplify Your California ACA 1095-B/C Filing with TaxBandits!

  • E-file ACA 1095-B/C with both Federal and State
  • We also support state-only filing
  • Distribute recipient copies via Postal Mail
    and Online Access
  • Retransmit rejected returns at no extra cost
california state map

ACA Forms Required by California

The state of California requires the following types of ACA forms.

Form 1095-B/ Form 1094-B

Health Coverage

Form 1095-C/ Form 1094-C

Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage

Ready to start filing your ACA with California?

Take a Quick Tour

State Filing Deadline for California ACA 1095-B/C Filing

California ACA 1095-B/C Filing Deadline

Recipient Copy Deadline

January 31, 2025

E-filing Deadline

March 31, 2025

Ready to start filing ACA Forms with California?

Information Required to File ACA Forms with California

Discover the key information needed to file ACA Forms with the State of California.

E-file ACA 1095s to the State of California in minutes with TaxBandits!

TaxBandits – Simplifying California State ACA Compliance

TaxBandits supports the e-filing of ACA forms directly with the California Department of Revenue, ensuring compliance with state regulations.

Lowest PricingLowest Pricing

TaxBandits offers the most affordable solution for California ACA filings, saving you both time and money.

State Form PDFsState Form PDF

Easily download your ACA forms as PDFs directly from TaxBandits. These files can be submitted to the state of California or kept on file for your records

State Filing Guidance Supports State-Only Filing

With TaxBandits, you can file ACA forms with state agencies, even if you didn’t submit your federal ACA return through our platform.

Free ResubmissionsFree Resubmissions

If your ACA forms are rejected by the California Department of Revenue, you can correct errors and resubmit them for free.

Start filing your California ACA returns with TaxBandits by creating an account!

How to File ACA Form 1095-B/C with the State of California?

Create your free account and follow these simple steps to effortlessly e-file your ACA Forms with the federal and the state of California!

  • Step 1: Choose Form ACA 1095-B/C

    Select the type of ACA form you want to file.

  • Step 2: Enter Form ACA 1095-B/C details

    Complete the form using manual entry or other bulk import options. Ensure you complete the state-specific fields.

  • Step 3: Opt-in California State Filing

    Enable California state filing to ensure your ACA forms are filed with the required state agencies.

  • Step 4: Choose Distribution Options

    Opt for our distribution services – Postal Mailing, Online Access, or BanditComplete.

  • Step 5: Review and Transmit

    Review your form and transmit it to the IRS and state agencies.

    After transmitting, track your ACA 1095-B/C returns in the ACA
    Dashboard anytime.

Are you ready to begin e-filing your ACA Form with California State? File in minutes with TaxBandits!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does California require 1095 filing?

Yes! Employers and certain other entities who provide Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) to any individual California residents are required to submit a
1095 form to the state and distribute the form copy to the corresponding recipient.

What types of 1095 forms does California require?

California requires the filing of the following 1095 forms

What are the California Form 1095-B filing requirements?

Any entities that offer Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) to individuals California residents must report the coverage information by filing Form 1095-B. The same federal form that the entity submits to the IRS can be provided
to the FTB.

The entities include:

  • Small employers (Less than 50 employees)
  • Health insurance providers
  • Certain government entities

What are the California Form 1095-C filing requirements?

California law requires that Employers with 50 or more full-time employees, i.e., Applicable Large Employers must file 1095-C annually to report the health coverage information of their employees (California residents) to the FTB. The same federal Form that the employer submits to the IRS can be provided to the FTB.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Note: The employer isn’t required to file Form 1095-C with the FTB if the insurer files an information return (1095-B) with the FTB reporting health coverage for the same employees.

What are the specific California instructions for filing Federal Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C?

  • In California, the filing of Federal Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C involves specific instructions tailored to align with federal guidelines. For Form 1095-C, California mandates the completion of Part I– Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE Member), mirroring the federal requirements.
  • It's crucial to note that Sections II, III, and IV of Form 1095-C, which are typically required for federal purposes, deviate when it comes to California filings. Specifically, the detailed information requested in these sections of federal Form 1094-C is not mandatory for California purposes. If these sections have been filled out for IRS reporting, the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) in California will disregard that information. Streamlining the filing process, you can simply submit the same federal Form 1094-C to the FTB without including the details in Sections II, III, and IV, as they are not applicable for state purposes.

When is California 1095 due?

Here are the deadlines to file and furnish your 1095 forms:

  • The deadline to distribute recipient copies of Form 1095-B/C is January 31, 2025.
  • The deadline to submit Form 1095-B/C to the State of California is March 31, 2025..
TaxBandits for Every Business

Note: If the due date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the next business day is the deadline.

What are the penalties for not filing or late filing with California?

Failure to meet the ACA reporting requirements of the State of California will lead to penalties, as same as the general information reporting
penalty provisions.

The penalty for filing 1095 with incorrect information is $50 / individual, included on a return for which the
failure occurs.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Note: No penalty will be imposed for federal 1094 and 1095 forms filed with the FTB on or before May 31. Also, no penalty will be imposed for failing to distribute employee copies by January 31.

Visit here for more information

What are the requirements to file 1095 electronically with California?

If you are required to file 250 or more forms, you must file 1095 electronically. This criteria applies to each type of form filed and individually for original and corrected returns.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Note: The FTB encourages you to file electronically even if you are filing fewer than 250 returns.

Where do I mail California 1095 forms?

Mail your Form 1095 to the following address


PO BOX 2288,

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